Bleach Filtration

The ProFilco pPTFE membrane-type back pulse candle filter system is a very effective way to separate solids from bleach without the use of cellulose/perlite or DE pre-coat. The result is a sparkling clear product.

Our modular pre-assembled filter systems are equipped with TEFFLUX pPTFE FILTER CANDLES.

Membrane Type Back Pulse Filtration

With no moving parts, this type of filter requires a minimum of maintenance and operator attention. The back pulse filter consists of a number of special TEFFLUX pPTFE membrane filter tubes. These filter candles are mounted in a tube-sheet and clamped between the flanges of the top dome and the vertical filter tank.

The filtered bleach flows inside the filter candle upwards to the dome where it exits the filter. The suspended solids are collected on the outside of the Teflon membrane in the form of a filter cake. In this part of the filter vessel the solids are accumulated and evacuated once they have been removed from the filter candles during the back pulse cleaning cycle.

Filter Cleaning

At the end of the filter cycle the flow through the filter is interrupted for regeneration of the filter. After the sludge drain valve is opened, the filtered bleach stored in the dome flows back into the candles, forming a thin layer of liquid between the cake and the TEFFLUX pPTFE membrane surface. Low pressure compressed air supports the back pulse action.

The filter membranes expand slightly and the cake of accumulated solids breaks and releases from the filter surface. The concentrated particles settle on the bottom of the filter vessel. The entire back pulse cycle takes less than ten seconds, the overall time period for a unit to regenerate is just a few minutes.

The ProFilco pPTFE membrane-type back pulse candle filter system produces a sparkling clear product.

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